6 Jul

10 Questions to Ask Your Home Inspector


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

10 Questions to Ask Your Home Inspector.

While home inspections might not be the most exciting part of your home buying journey, they are extremely important and can save you money and a major headache in the long run.

In a competitive housing market, there can sometimes be pressure to make an offer right away without conditions. However, no matter how competitive a market may be, you should never skip out on things designed for buyer protection – such as a home inspection.

You may have a good eye for décor and love the layout of your potential new home, but what is under the surface is typically where headaches can lie. We have all heard the expression “don’t judge a book by its cover” so why would you make the most important purchase in your life without checking it out?

Below are a few key questions you can ask your home inspector to ensure that you are getting a complete and thorough inspection:

  1. Can I see your licence/professional credentials and proof of insurance?
  2. How many years of experience do you have as a home inspector?
    • Note: Make sure they’re talking specifically about home inspection and not just how much experience they have in a single trade.
  3. How many inspections have you personally completed?
  4. What qualifications and training do you have? Are you a member of a professional organization? What’s your background – construction, engineering, plumbing, etc?
  5. Can I see some references?
    • Note: Don’t just ask for references, be sure to follow up with them. Ask the clients how they felt about the home inspection, did any issues crop up down the line that they were not made aware of, etc.
  6. What kind of report do you provide? Do you take photos of the house and specific problem areas (if any) and include them in your report?
  7. What kind of tools do you use during your inspection?
  8. Can you give me an idea of what kind of repairs the house may need?
    • Note: Be hesitant if they offer to fix the issue themselves or are willing to recommend someone cheap. Home renovations and repairs are one area you should never skimp on.
  9. When do you typically do the inspections?
    • Note: Ideally you want a home inspector operating full-time and can view the house during the day to inspect all areas, especially the roof.
  10. How long do your inspections usually take?

While hiring a home inspector may seem daunting, it will be the best few hundred dollars you ever spend. There is no price on peace of mind!

Published by DLC Marketing Team

Contact us today for all your mortgage needs, 705-349-0502

28 Jun

Don’t Be House Poor


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

Don’t Be House Poor.

Having the biggest and best home on the block sounds great – but not if it is at the expense of your life and monthly finances! Be smart about your budget and avoid buying a home at the very top of your pre-approval value, which might lead to cash flow issues and being “house poor” down the line.

Home Expenses

When it comes to your home, it is more than just your purchase price and mortgage cost. While you might be able to afford to buy a $800,000 home, can you also afford the maintenance, property taxes, utilities and more?

When it comes to your home expenses and overall monthly budget, the goal is that the costs to maintain your home do not exceed 35% of your total monthly income.

Monthly Budget

To help you keep track of your finances, consider breaking up your monthly budget into the following categories:

  • Housing – mortgage payments, property taxes, utilities, etc.
  • Transit – car payments or transit passes, gas, maintenance, etc.
  • Debt – payments to credit cards, lines of credit, etc.
  • Savings – your long-term savings for retirement, etc.
  • Life – food, vacations, fun, medical, childcare, etc.

From there, you would want to look at how much you spend on each category. The below is a good rule of thumb:

  • Housing – 35% of your monthly income
  • Transit – 15% of your monthly income.
  • Debt – 15% of your monthly income
  • Savings – 10% of your monthly income
  • Life – 25% of your monthly income

By spending too much on housing, you are forced to sacrifice in other areas of spending such as your life or savings, but it is better to be life RICH than house POOR.

If you’re not sure what you should budget for your new home, or have questions about making your home costs more affordable (such as changing your mortgage payments), please don’t hesitate to reach out to Jennifer Koop, your Dominion Lending Centres expert today!

Published by DLC Marketing Team

For all your mortgage needs contact us today, 705-349-0502.

27 Jun

Make Sure to Stress-Test Your Financial Advisor


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

Make Sure to Stress-Test Your Financial Advisor!

Whether you use an investment firm or rely on the services available at your local bank, a lot of us have someone we commonly refer to as our “financial advisor”. It’s a generic term, but it usually equates to the person who “handles our investments”. However, the reality is that their level of professional training, experience, and the scope of services they offer varies greatly.

Some of us only rely on an advisor to invest our TFSA or RRSP and meet with them very infrequently, or simply review the statements that show up in the mail from time-to-time. Others depend on their advisor for a lot more than buying mutual funds and seek advice on retirement planning, tax strategies, saving for a home, and many other issues.

Regardless of the scope or frequency of the service your financial advisor provides, it doesn’t change the fact that you are putting a lot of trust (and a lot of cash!) in their hands.

Accordingly, you should be extremely carefully with your decision. Despite the considerable consequences of their job performance on your future, a lot of us spent more time choosing a mobile phone plan than the expert who manages our life savings. A good advisor is an invaluable resource for those of us who don’t have the time or specialized knowledge to manage our finances on our own. However, depending heavily on an advisor also means that you owe it to yourself to carefully review their service on a regular basis.

The main problem with evaluating a financial advisor is lack of knowledge. While it is easy to judge something familiar like a restaurant and decide if we will return, it’s a lot more difficult when it comes to a financial advisor.

Another factor clouding the issue is the confusing hodgepodge of names — (certified) financial planner, financial advisor, financial coach, money coach, etc. In general, financial advisors usually focus on investing while a financial planner takes a more holistic approach that may include retirement planning, estates, or other more complex issues. The Enriched Academy Financial Coaching Program goes one step further.  It adds in an education component, so you not only get expert advice and a comprehensive plan, but you also learn to manage your own finances — for life!

There are lot of options for financial advice and it isn’t always clear what each one does, so how do you decide which one is right for you?

A good place to start is to dig into the fees you are paying and what sort of returns you have been getting. You can also evaluate their service on a more basic level — Do they offer all the products and services you require? Do they keep in contact and remember you and your situation? Do they readily and clearly answer your questions…. even “prickly” ones about annual returns and fees? A good advisor should pass your “stress-test” with flying colours.

Your main considerations for choosing financial advice should be how much knowledge and time you have, and the degree you would like to be involved. You could leave it completely up to someone else, and even though they may have a fiduciary duty to act in your best interest, it’s too much of a leap of faith for most of us. We work hard for our money and most of us want to assess for ourselves whether it is being managed effectively and within our expectations for risk and return.

Educating yourself and using a self-directed (DIY) approach puts you in complete control and offers much lower cost, but it can be too daunting for some. In addition, some issues like tax planning can be highly specialized and demand expert level knowledge and experience.

Enriched Academy is committed to an unbiased approach and the choice is up to you, just make sure you do your homework and figure out which option works best for your situation.

Published by DLC Marketing Team

Contact us today for all your mortgage needs, 705-349-0502

27 Jun

Top 8 Questions About Reverse Mortgages


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

Top 8 Questions About Reverse Mortgages.

Written by Mich Sneddon, CPA, CA – Reverse Mortgage Pros

Having completed dozens of reverse mortgage deals, there are some questions that I find I get over and over again.
So today I thought I’d write a piece on the 8 most common reverse mortgage questions that people in Canada have regarding reverse mortgages.

1. if i have an existing mortgage on the property, can i get a reverse mortgage?

Not only is this the most common question regarding reverse mortgages, it is actually one of the most common uses for a reverse mortgage – to pay off the current mortgage and eliminate that payment and help with monthly cash flow. However, it is important to realize that you would need to qualify for enough to pay that existing mortgage in full.

For example: If you have $70,000 remaining on the mortgage, you would need to qualify for at least $70,000 to be eligible for a reverse mortgage. If you owe $70,000 and qualify for $100,000 in reverse mortgage funds, the $70,000 would be paid first and you would be left with the remaining $30,000.

The good news is that the reverse mortgage funds can also be used to pay any penalties or charges for paying out your mortgage as well. However, the existing mortgage must always be paid off using the reverse mortgage funds and you get to keep whatever is left. Essentially, you are swapping your mortgage with a reverse mortgage and keeping the excess cash.

2. can i pay the interest or make payments on the amount i receive?

Yes, you can make monthly interest payment if you choose and you can also pay up to 10% of the amount borrowed (1 payment per year) if you wish.

However, you also have the option to pay nothing at all until you sell the property or until you pass away. Most people choose this option but it is nice to know that you can pay the interest every month (essentially turn the reverse mortgage into the same thing as a Home Equity Line Of Credit).

3. how do you determine how much i qualify for? i thought i could get 55% of my home value?

This is a common question that we get. It is important to note that you can qualify for up to 55% of the value of the property and not everyone will get this amount. The words ‘up to’ are very important in this statement.

To determine how much you qualify for, four different factors are used: The ages of all applicants, the property value, the property location (postal code) and the property type.

Here is a quick example for all 4 factors: Someone aged 80 will qualify for more than someone aged 60; someone in a city will qualify for more than someone in the countryside; someone with a property value of $500,000 will qualify for more than someone whose value is $200,000 and someone who lives in a detached house will usually qualify for more than someone who lives in a Condo.

4. i’m 60 but my wife is 53, can we still qualify?

Unfortunately, no. Both applicants need to be 55 or over to qualify. Even if just one of you is on the title, because it is deemed a ‘matrimonial home’ (meaning that the husband and wife both have a legal right to the home, by nature of being married) both of you need to be 55 or over.

5. what is involved in the application?

Reverse mortgages aren’t as difficult a process to go through as a traditional mortgage. However, you aren’t going to simply be given the money either – remember you are still talking about large amounts of money here and the lender is a Schedule A bank.

Your credit score and income are not usually significant factors in the application – but the lender will still check these. In addition to this, proof of identity and other such paperwork is required.

An appraisal is always required and is the first step – so the lender can identify the market value of your home and therefore how much they can lend. However, it is possible to get a ‘quote’ before this.

6. what if i want to sell my home?

You can sell your house at any time if you have a reverse mortgage. The mortgage amount (plus any accrued interest and prepayment penalties, if any) would then be paid from the proceeds of the sale. The process would be exactly the same as if you had any other kind of mortgage or HELOC on the property.

7. will i still own my home?

Yes, you will remain on the title for as long as you or your spouse live in the property and you can never be forced out of your home because of a reverse mortgage. In fact, from this point of view a reverse mortgage is ‘safer’ than a traditional mortgage. Under a traditional mortgage, you could lose your home for not paying your monthly mortgage payments. Since no such payments exist for a reverse mortgage, there is no such risk.

8. if i sell my house, can i re-apply for another reverse mortgage on my new property?

Absolutely! As long as the property is your primary residence – but just remember that you would need to qualify for enough to pay any mortgage on the new property. Reverse mortgages can be used for purchases in this way.

If you have any questions, please contact Jennifer Koop, your local Dominion Lending Centres mortgage expert.

Published by DLC Marketing Team

Contact us today for all your mortgage needs 705-349-0502

27 Jun

Self-Employed and Seeking a Mortgage


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

Self-Employed and Seeking a Mortgage.

Approximately 20% of Canadians are self-employed, making this an important segment in the mortgage and financing space. When it comes to self-employed individuals seeking a mortgage, there are some key things to note as this process can differ from the standard mortgage.

Qualifying for a Mortgage

In order to obtain a mortgage as a self-employed individual, most lenders require personal tax Notices of Assessment and respective T1 generals be included with the mortgage application for the previous two years. Typically, individuals who can provide this proof of income – and with acceptable income levels – have little issue obtaining a mortgage product and rates available to the traditional borrower.

Self-Employed Categories

  1. For those self-employed individuals who cannot provide the Revenue Canada documents, you will be required to put down 20% and may have higher interest rates.
  2. If you can provide the tax documents and don’t have enough stated income, due to write-offs, then you have to do a minimum of 10% down with standard interest rates.
    1. If you are able to put down less than 20% down payment when relying on stated income, the default insurance premiums are higher.
  3. If you can provide the tax documents, and you have high enough income, then there are no restrictions.

Documentation Requirements

For those individuals who are self-employed, you must provide the following, in addition to your standard documentation:

  • For incorporated businesses – two years of accountant prepared financial statements (Income Statement and Balance Sheet)
  • Two most recent years of Personal NOAs (Notice of Assessments) and tax returns
  • Potentially 6-12 months of business bank statements
  • Confirmation that HST/Source Deductions are current

Calculating Income

When it comes to calculating income for a self-employed application, lenders will either take an average of two years’ income or your most recent annual income if it’s lower.

If you’re self-employed and looking to qualify for a mortgage, or simply have, reach out to Jennifer Koop, your Dominion Lending Centres mortgage professional today! We can work with you to ensure you have the necessary documentation, talk about your options and obtain a pre-approval to help you understand how much you qualify for.

Published by DLC Marketing Team

Contact us today for all your mortgage needs, 705-349-0502.

9 Jun

What You Should Know About Mortgage Amortization


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

What You Should Know About Mortgage Amortization.

Your mortgage amortization period is the number of years it will take you to pay off your mortgage. Depending on your choice of amortization period, it will affect how quickly you become mortgage-free as well as how much interest you pay over the lifetime of your mortgage (longer lifetime equals more interest, whereas a shorter lifetime equals less interest but also bigger payments).

Let’s start by looking at the mortgage industry benchmark amortization period. This is typically a 25-year period and is the standard that is used by majority of lenders when it comes to discussing mortgage products. It is also typically the basis for standard mortgage calculators.

While this is the standard, it is not the only option when it comes to your mortgage amortization. In fact, mortgage amortizations can be as short as 5-years and as long as 35-years!

As mentioned,  opting for a shorter amortization period will result in paying less interest overall during the life of your mortgage. Choosing this amortization schedule means you will also become mortgage-free faster and have access to your home equity sooner! However, if you choose to pay off your mortgage over a shorter time-frame, you will have higher payments per month. If your income is irregular, you are at the maximum end of your monthly budget or this is your first home, you may not benefit from a shorter amortization and having more cash flow tied up in your monthly mortgage payments.

When it comes to choosing a longer amortization period, there are definitely still advantages. The first is that you have smaller monthly mortgage payments, which can make home ownership less daunting for first-time buyers as well as free up additional monthly cash flow for other bills or endeavors. A longer amortization also has its advantages when it comes to buying a home as choosing a longer amortization period can often get you into your dream home sooner, due to utilizing standard mortgage payments versus accelerated. In some cases, with your payments happening over a larger period of time, you may also qualify for a slightly higher value mortgage than a shorter amortization depending on your situation.

Your mortgage professional will be able to help you choose the amortization that best suits your unique requirements and ensures you have adequate cash flow. However, it is important to mention that you are not stuck with the amortization schedule you choose at the time you get your mortgage. You are able to shorten or lengthen your amortization, as well as consider making extra payments on your mortgage (if you set up pre-payment options), at a later date.

Ideally, you are re-evaluating your mortgage at renewal time (every 3, 5 or 10 years depending on your mortgage product). During renewal is a great time to review your amortization and payment schedules or make changes if they are no longer working for you.

If you have any questions or are looking to get started on purchasing a home, don’t hesitate to reach out to Jennifer Koop, your DLC mortgage professional for expert advice!

Contact us today 705-349-0502

Published by the DLC Marketing Team

5 Jun

How to Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

How to Pay Off Your Mortgage Faster.

When it comes to homeownership, many of us dream of the day we will be mortgage-free. While most mortgages operate on a 25-year amortization schedule, there are some ways you can pay off your mortgage quicker!

1. Review Your Payment Schedule: Taking a look at your payment schedule can be an easy way to start paying down your mortgage faster, such as moving to an accelerated bi-weekly payment schedule. While this will lead to slightly higher monthly payments, the overall result is approximately one extra payment on your mortgage per calendar year. This can reduce the total amortization by multiple years, which is an effective way to whittle down your amortization faster.

2. Increase Your Mortgage Payments*: This is another fairly simple change you can execute today to start having more of an impact on your mortgage. Most lenders offer some sort of pre-payment privledge that allows you to increase your payment amount without penalty. This payment increase allowance can range from 10% to 20% payment increase from the original payment amount. If you earned a raise at work, or have come into some money, consider putting those funds right into your mortgage to help reduce your mortgage balance without you feeling like you are having to change your spending habits.

3. Make Extra Payments*: For those of you who have pre-payment privileges on your mortgage, this is a great option for paying it down faster. The extra payment option allows you to do an annual lump-sum payment of 15-20% of the original loan amount to help clear out some of your loan! Some mortgages will allow you to increase your payment by this pre-payment privilege percentage amount as well. This is another great way to utilize any extra money you may have earned, such as from a bonus at work or an inheritance.

4. Negotiate a Better Rate: Depending on whether you have a variable or a fixed mortgage, you may want to consider looking into getting a better rate to reduce your overall mortgage payments and money to interest. This is ideally done when your mortgage term is up for renewal and with rates starting to come back down, it could be a great opportunity to adjust your mortgage and save! This may be done with your existing lender OR moving to a new lender who is offering a lower rate (known as a switch and transfer).

5. Refinance to a Shorter Amortization Period: Lastly, consider the term of your mortgage. If you’re mortgage is coming up for renewal, this is a great time to look at refinancing to a shorter amortization period. While this will lead to higher monthly payments, you will be paying less interest over the life of the loan. Knowing what you can afford and how quickly you want to be mortgage-free can help you determine the best new amortization schedule.

*These options are only available for some mortgage products. Check your mortgage package or reach out to me to ensure these options are available to you and avoid any potential penalties.

If you’re looking to pay your mortgage off quicker, don’t hesitate to reach out Jennifer Koop, your Dominion Lending Centres mortgage expert today! She can help review the above options and assist in choosing the most effective course of action for your situation.

Contact us today 705-349-0502

Published by DLC Marketing Team

30 May

Mortgage Pre-Approval vs. Pre-Qualification


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

Mortgage Pre-Approval vs. Pre-Qualification.

When it comes to getting a mortgage, there are a few things you can do in advance to make the mortgage process easier!

getting pre-qualified

The purpose of mortgage pre-qualification is to help you get a general idea of what you can afford when shopping for your new home.

Pre-qualification will take your own assessment of your financial status and allow you to come up with a budget for a home, as well as what you can afford for monthly payments.

Download the My Mortgage Toolbox app available on the iStore or Google Play to get pre-qualified today in under 60 seconds! Plus, you can get an idea of your monthly mortgage payments and compare various payment schedules.

getting pre-approved

While getting pre-qualified can give you a ballpark estimate on what you can afford, pre-approval means that a lender has stated (in writing) that you do qualify for a mortgage and what amount, based on submitted documentation of your current income and credit history.

A pre-approval usually specifies a term, interest rate and mortgage amount and is typically valid for a brief period of time, assuming various conditions are met.

There are a few benefits to pre-approval including:

  1. It confirms the maximum amount you can afford to spend
  2. It can secure you an interest rate for 90-120 while you shop for your new home
  3. It lets the seller know that securing financing should not be an issue. This is extremely important for competitive markets where lots of offers may be coming in.

Keep in mind, once you get your pre-approval, you will want to make sure not to jeopardize it. Until your mortgage application and sale is completed, be sure you don’t quit or change jobs, buy a new car or trade up, transfer large sums of money between bank accounts, leave your bills unpaid or open up new credit cards. You do not want your financial or employment details to change at all until you have closed on the new mortgage.

Reach out to Jennifer Koop, DLC mortgage expert to get started today! 705-349-0502

Published by DLC Marketing Team

26 May

Frequently (and not so frequently!) Asked Mortgage Questions


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

Frequently (and not so frequently!) Asked Mortgage Questions.

New to mortgages? Have questions but not sure where to start? We have the answers!

  1. What is the best interest rate I can qualify for?
    Your credit score plays a big role in the interest rate you can qualify for. The riskier you appear as a borrower, the higher your rate will be. While it is important to understand rate is NOT the most important aspect of your mortgage, it does still play a significant part. However, in some cases you may lose out on pre-payment privileges or porting options if you opt for the lowest rate. This is why it is important to look at your mortgage as a whole for your current and future needs.
  2. What credit score is needed to qualify for a mortgage?
    Generally, you are considered a prime candidate for a mortgage if your credit score is 680 and above. The higher you can get above 700 the better, as you will access lower rates. While almost anyone can obtain a mortgage via traditional or private lenders, if you have a lower credit score the key will be the size of your down payment. A sufficient down payment can reduce the risk to the lender providing you with the mortgage, thereby opening up lower rate options
  3. What happens if my credit score isn’t great?
    There are five main things you can do to improve a low credit score.

    • Pay down credit cards so they’re below 70% of your limits. Revolving credit like credit cards have a more significant impact on credit scores than car loans, lines of credit, or other types of debt.
    • Limit the use of credit cards. Racking up a large amount and then paying it off in monthly instalments can hurt your credit score. If there is a balance at the end of the month, this also affects your score.
    • Check credit limits. If your lender is slower at reporting monthly transactions, this can have a significant impact on how other interested parties view your file. Ensure everything’s up to date as old bills that have been paid can come back to haunt you.
    • Keep old cards. Older credit is better credit. If you stop using older credit cards, the issuers may stop updating your accounts. As such, the cards can lose their weight in the credit formula and, therefore, may not be as valuable – even though you have had the cards for a long time. Use these cards periodically and then pay them off.
    • Don’t let mistakes build up. Always dispute any mistakes or situations that may harm your score. If, for instance, a cell phone bill is incorrect and the company will not amend it, you can dispute this by making the credit bureau aware of the situation.
  4. What’s the maximum mortgage I can qualify for?
    To help you determine what you can afford, check out the My Mortgage Toolbox app on the iStore and Google Play. This app can assist with various calculations to determine the amount you can afford, how much your monthly mortgage payments will be, allow you to play around with payment frequencies, and so much more. You can also get pre-qualified on the app, which you can follow up with a proper mortgage pre-approval once you are ready to start shopping! This will also assist with solidifying your budget and understanding your mortgage costs.
  5. How much money do I need for a down payment?
    The minimum down payment required is 5% of the purchase price of the home. However, it is ideal to produce a down payment of 20% to avoid paying mortgage default insurance and, in some cases, to access a better interest rate.
  6. What happens if I don’t have the full down payment amount?
    It can be hard to put together a down payment. Fortunately, there are many programs available that will allow you to utilize different forms of down payments through cash-back products, RRSP withdrawal or gifting from an immediate family member.
  7. Should I go with a fixed- or variable-rate mortgage?
    The answer to this question depends on your personal risk tolerance. If you happen to be a first-time homebuyer, or you have a set budget that you can comfortably spend on your mortgage, it’s smart to lock into a fixed mortgage with predictable payments over a specific period of time. On the other hand, if your financial situation can handle the fluctuations of a variable-rate mortgage, this may save you some money in the long run. Another option is to opt for a variable rate, but make payments based on what you would have paid if you selected a fixed rate. There are also 50/50 mortgage options that enable you to split your mortgage into both fixed and variable portions.
  8. How much will my mortgage payments be?
    Your monthly mortgage payment cost will vary based on several factors, such as the size of your mortgage, whether you’re paying mortgage default insurance, your mortgage amortization, your interest rate, and your frequency of making mortgage payments. The My Mortgage Toolbox app from Google Play and the iStore has many calculators that can help you preview different mortgage and payment scenarios.
  9. What amortization will work best for me?
    While the benchmark and typically used standard amortization period for a mortgage is 25-years, shorter or longer timeframes are available. The main reason to opt for a shorter amortization period is that you’ll become mortgage-free sooner. In addition, by agreeing to pay off your mortgage in a shorter period of time, the interest you pay over the life of the mortgage is greatly reduced. A shorter amortization also affords you the luxury of building up equity in your home sooner. Equity is the difference between any outstanding mortgage on your home and its market value. While it pays to opt for a shorter amortization period, keep in mind you will have higher monthly payments as a shorter amortization period means less payments overall. If your income is irregular or you’re buying a home for the first time and will be carrying a large mortgage, a shorter amortization period that increases your regular payment amount and ties up your cash flow may not be the best option for you.
  10. How can I maximize my mortgage payments and own my home sooner?
    Most mortgage products include prepayment privileges that enable you to pay up to 20% of the principal (the true value of your mortgage minus the interest payments) per calendar year. This will also help reduce your amortization period (the length of your mortgage). Another way to reduce the time it takes to pay off your mortgage involves changing the way you make your payments by opting for accelerated bi-weekly mortgage payments. Not to be confused with semi-monthly mortgage payments (24 payments per year), accelerated bi-weekly mortgage payments (26 payments per year) will not only pay your mortgage off quicker, but it’s guaranteed to save you a significant amount of money over the term of your mortgage. With accelerated bi-weekly mortgage payments, you’re making one additional monthly payment per year. In addition to increased payment options, most lenders offer the opportunity to make lump-sum payments on your mortgage (as much as 20% of the original borrowed amount each year).
  11. Can I make lump-sum or other prepayments on my mortgage, or will I be penalized?
    Most lenders enable lump-sum payments and increased mortgage payments to a maximum amount per year. But, since each lender and product is different, it’s important to check stipulations on prepayments prior to signing your mortgage papers. Most “no frills” mortgage products offering the lowest rates often do not allow for prepayments. As well, please note that some lenders will only let you make these lump-sum payments on the anniversary date of your mortgage while others will allow you to spread out the lump-sum payments to the maximum allowable yearly amount.
  12. If I have mortgage default insurance, do I need mortgage life insurance?
    Yes. Mortgage life insurance is a life insurance policy on a homeowner, which will allow your family or dependents to pay off the mortgage on the home should something tragic happen to you. Mortgage default insurance is something lenders require you to purchase to cover their own assets if you have less than a 20% down payment. Mortgage life insurance is meant to protect the family of a homeowner and not the mortgage lender itself.
  13. Is my mortgage portable?
    Fixed-rate products usually have a portability option as lenders utilize a “blended” system where your current mortgage rate stays the same on the mortgage amount ported over to the new property, and the new balance is calculated using the current rate. With variable-rate mortgages, however, porting is usually not available. This means that when breaking your existing mortgage, a three-month interest penalty will be charged. This charge may or may not be reimbursed with your new mortgage. While porting typically ensures no penalty will be charged when you sell your existing property and buy a new one, it’s best to check with your mortgage professional for specific conditions before making any changes.
  14. If I want to move before my mortgage term is up, what are my options?
    This will depend greatly on your particular lender and the type of mortgage you have. While fixed mortgages are often portable, variable are not. Some lenders allow you to port your mortgage, but your sale and purchase have to happen on the same day, while others offer extended periods. As long as there’s not too much time between the sale of your existing home and the purchase of the new home, as a rule of thumb most lenders will allow you to port the mortgage. In other words, you keep your existing mortgage and add the extra funds you need to buy the new house on top. The interest rate is a blend between your existing mortgage rate and the current rate at the time you require the extra money.
  15. How much will I have to pay for closing costs?
    As a general rule of thumb, it’s recommended that you put aside at least 1.5% of the purchase price (in addition to the down payment) strictly to cover closing costs such as: property transfer taxes, lawyer/notary fee, survey costs, appraisal fee, title insurance and a home inspection.
  16. How do I ensure I get the best mortgage product and rate upon renewal at the end of my term?
    The best way to ensure you receive the best mortgage product and rate at renewal is to enlist Jennifer Koop, your mortgage professional, to review your current mortgage product, financial situation and shop the market for you. A lot can change over a single mortgage term, and you can miss out on a lot of savings and options if you simply sign a renewal with your existing lender without consulting your mortgage professional.
  17. What steps can I take to help ensure I don’t become a victim of title or mortgage fraud?

Red flags for mortgage fraud:

  • You’re offered money to use your name and credit information to obtain a mortgage
  • You’re encouraged to include false information on a mortgage application
  • You’re asked to leave signature lines or other important areas of your mortgage application blank
  • The seller or investment advisor discourages you from seeing or inspecting the property you will be purchasing
  • The seller or developer rebates you money on closing, and you don’t disclose this to your lending institution. Sadly, the only red flag for title fraud occurs when your mortgage mysteriously goes.

Ways to protect yourself from title fraud:

  • Always view the property you’re purchasing in person; check listings in the community where the property is located – compare features, size and location to establish if the asking price seems reasonable
  • Make sure your representative is a licensed real estate agent
  • Beware of a real estate agent or mortgage broker who has a financial interest in the transaction
  • Ask for a copy of the land title or go to a registry office and request a historical title search; in the offer to purchase, include the option to have the property appraised by a designated or accredited appraiser
  • Insist on a home inspection to guard against buying a home that has been cosmetically renovated or formerly used as a grow house or meth lab
  • Ask to see receipts for recent renovations; when you make a deposit, ensure your money is protected by being held “in trust”
  • Consider the purchase of title insurance.

Contact us today for all your mortgage needs.  705-349-0502

Published by DLC Marketing Team

11 May

5 Steps to Getting a Mortgage


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

5 Steps to Getting a Mortgage.

While the mortgage process can be daunting, we have broken it down into 5 easy steps to help you get started! Plus, Jennifer Koop, mortgage expert is happy to help guide you every step of the way so it is even easier to make your dreams of home ownership happen.

  1. Options: Your mortgage professional has access to 90+ lenders with dozens of solutions to suit your mortgage needs. During our initial consultation, your mortgage professional will review your situation and provide an overview of mortgage options that are best suited to your needs. From there, you can work together to complete your mortgage application and obtain financing.
  2. Collection: When it comes to a mortgage application, you’re required to submit the following items to the lender: credit report, agreement of purchase and sale(or estimated mortgage amount if you are refinancing), proof of income/employment, down payment amount, identification and solicitor information. Your mortgage professional is able to assist you with preparing, gathering and sending this documentation in.
  3. Submission: Your mortgage professional will submit your mortgage application to the appropriate lender with the mortgage product that best suits your needs. As they work with dozens of lenders from banks to credit unions to trusts and private options, they can put their negotiating power to work for you to get you the best mortgage product.
  4. Approval: Once you have been approved for your mortgage, you will be required to sign. From there, you will obtain approval documents including: payment details, mortgage terms and privileges, pre-funding conditions (if they apply). Should the closing date be more than 30 days away, your mortgage professional can also hold the approval documents and monitor the market. When you reach 4 weeks away from closing, they can help finalize the approval documentation.
  5. Closing: This is the final step to homeownership where your signed documents are submitted to the lender with all supporting information. From there, the lender will review and approve the final documents and send their instruction package to your lawyer. When you meet with your lawyer, they will require final identification and signatures, and review your closing costs.  It is on the closing day that the mortgage funds will be transferred to your lawyer to close the sale.

If you are looking to purchase your first home, or a new home, in the coming months, reach out to Jennifer Koop, Mortgage Agent, Huntsville Muskoka for the advice and expertise to ensure you get the best mortgage product for YOU.  Call today 705-349-0502


Published by the DLC Marketing Team