4 May

Make Your Mortgage Work for You


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

Make Your Mortgage Work for You.

When it comes to mortgages, it can be easy to get overwhelmed by the sheer number of options! Fortunately, we are here to help! Below are some of the mortgage details that you should understand to ensure that you are getting the best mortgage for YOU:

Interest Rate Type

Interest rate is one of the major components to your mortgage and it is important to decide whether you want a fixed-rate, variable-rate or protected (capped) variable-rate mortgage.

fixed-rate mortgage is ideal for new home owners or those on a fixed income who are more comfortable with a stable monthly payment.

variable-rate mortgage is ideal for individuals who have room in their budget and want to take advantage of potential interest rate drops – keep in mind, with this mortgage you pay more if the rates go up!

Lastly, the protected (capped) variable-rate mortgage operates similarly to variable-rate, except with a maximum (or capped) rate allowing you to take advantage of interest rate decreases while never paying above a set amount should the rates rise.


This is the life of your mortgage and is typically a 25-years period whereby you would pay off the entirety of the loan. You can choose a shorter term, which would result in higher payments but allow you to pay less interest over the lifetime of your mortgage and be mortgage-free faster! Or, you can opt for a longer amortization period, which allows for smaller monthly payments.

Payment Schedule

This is the frequency that you make mortgage payments and ranges from monthly to bi-monthly, bi-weekly, accelerated bi-weekly or even weekly payments. There are many great calculators on My Mortgage Toolbox app (available through Google Play and the iStore) that can help you calculate and compare these payment schedules to see what works best for you.

Mortgage Term

The standard mortgage term is 5-years and refers to the length of time for which options are chosen and agreed upon, such as the interest rate. When the term is up, you have the ability to renegotiate your mortgage at the interest rate of that time and choose the same or different options.

Open vs. Closed

Open mortgages give you the option to increase mortgage payments or make lump sum deposits on your loan. A closed mortgage does not allow additional payments without penalties.

High Ratio vs. Conventional

A conventional mortgage is where you put the standard 20% down on your home. However, as not everyone is able to do this, many buyers will end up with a high-ratio mortgage product. High-ratio mortgages need to be insured due to financial institutions only being allowed to lend up to 80 percent of the homes purchase price WITHOUT mortgage default insurance. Therefore, if you choose a high-ratio mortgages over a conventional one, you will pay a monthly insurance premium.

Contact Jennifer Koop, mortgage expert, today at  705-349-0502 to get started on your homebuying journey with expert advice and solutions to suit YOUR unique needs!

Published by DLC Marketing Team

25 Apr

Need an Appraisal? Tips for Success.


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

Need an Appraisal? Tips for Success.

If you are looking to buy a home or want a current value of your property, you will need an appraisal.

Before banks or lending institutions can consider loaning money for a property, they need to know the current market value of that property. The job of an appraiser is to check the general condition of your home and determine a comparable market value based on other homes in your area.

While you may think “it is what it is”, we actually have a few tips that can help improve your home’s appraisal to ensure you are getting top market value!

  1. Clean Up: The appraiser is basing the value of your property on how good it looks. A good rule of thumb is to treat the appraisal like an open house! Clean and declutter every room, vacuum, and scrub to ensure your home is as presentable and appealing as possible.
  2. Curb Appeal: First impressions can have a huge impact when it comes to an appraisal. Spending some time ensuring the outside of your property from your driveway entrance to front step is clean and welcoming can make a world of difference.
  3. Visibility: The appraiser must be able to see every room of the home, no exceptions. Refusal to allow an appraiser to see any room can cause issues and potentially kill your deal. If there are any issues with any spaces of your home, be sure to take care of them in advance to allow the appraiser full access.
  4. Upgrades and Features: Ensuring the appraiser is aware of any upgrades and features can go a long way. Make a list and include everything from plumbing and electrical to new floors, new appliances, etc. This way they have a reference as to what has been updated and how recent or professional that work was done.
  5. Be Prudent About Upgrades: While the bathroom and kitchen are popular areas, they are not necessarily the be-all-end-all for getting a higher home value. These renovations can be quite costly so it is a good idea to be prudent about how you spend your money and instead, focus on easy changes such as new paint, new light fixtures or plumbing and updated flooring to avoid breaking the bank while still having your home look fresh.
  6. Know Your Neighbourhood: You already know where you live better than the appraiser. Taking a look at similar homes in your neighbourhood and noting what they sold for will give you a ballpark. If your appraisal comes in low, you will be prepared to discuss with the appraiser the examples from your area and why you believe you property is worth more.
  7. Be Polite: The appraiser is there to get in and get out. Avoid asking them too many questions or making too many comments and simply be prepared should they have questions. Once they have completed the review of your home, that is a good time to bring up any comments you might have.

Remember to contact Jennifer Koop your Dominion Lending Centres mortgage expert if you have any questions about your existing home or mortgage, or if you are looking to sell and relocate in the future! 705-349-0502

Published by the DLC Marketing Team

20 Apr

What is an Uninsurable Mortgage?


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

What is an Uninsurable Mortgage?

When it comes to mortgages, insurance is necessary to protect the lender on these types of loans, which deal in large sums of money. There are three different tiers relating to insurance, which all have different minimum down payment amounts and varying premium insurance fees.

  1. Insured mortgages typically have a less than 20% down payment and are insured with mortgage default insurance through one of Canada’s mortgage insurers: CMHC, Sagen or Canada Guaranty. In these cases, the premium is based on a percentage of the loan amount, which is added to the mortgage and paid monthly.
  2. Insurable mortgages typically have a 20% or higher down payment and do not require mortgage insurance, though they can qualify for it. In these cases, the homeowner wouldn’t have to pay an insurance premium, but the lender can if they choose to.
  3. Uninsurable mortgages do not meet mortgage insurer requirements; some examples of these types of mortgages can include: refinances, mortgages with an amortization longer than 25-years or mortgage files where the real estate is more than $1M in value and/or purchase price. No insurance premium required.

While insured and insurable mortgages are more common and typically more cost-effective when it comes to lending money, therefore clients who opt for these mortgages often get better rates.

When it comes to an uninsurable mortgage, this means that the lender is providing their own funds to the client without the protection of insurance, and have to commit to the loan for the entire term. Due to this, uninsurable mortgages tend to have higher interest rates as they are a higher risk loan.

Typically, uninsurable mortgages require a minimum of 20% down on the loan and are available for up to 30-year amortization. It is also important to note that an uninsurable mortgage will often require a higher Gross Debt Service (GDS) and Total Debt Service (TDS) ratio to indicate that you can carry the loan without high risk.

While some lenders may offer more flexibility when it come to an uninsurable mortgage, if you are looking to refinance or change to a longer amortization period, it is best to discuss with Jennifer Koop, Mortgage Agent, before making any changes to your mortgage.

Contact us today 705-349-0502

Published by DLC Marketing Team

18 Apr

Why You Should Have a Power of Attorney


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

Why You Should Have a Power of Attorney.

You work a lifetime building your nest egg, so the thought of losing financial control can be difficult at any point in life. However, having a trusted document like a power of attorney (POA) can bring you and your loved ones peace of mind. Contrary to what some believe, the reality is that your POA does not own your money or property, and they cannot change your will, make a will, or change a beneficiary on an insurance plan. Your POA is there to learn about your life events, needs, or concerns and help make financial or medical decisions on your behalf if you are unable to.

This is a decision that requires careful consideration, and like any financial tool, there are pros and cons:


  • The document makes it clear who is responsible for your money and property, even temporarily, if you need help managing them. Your attorney must manage your money and property responsibly and for your benefit. If questioned, they may be required by law to account for their actions.
  • The document can be as flexible or time-sensitive as you would like or as general or specific as you need.
  • You can appoint multiple attorneys and request they make decisions in unison or highlight that they can act separately if one attorney is unavailable. You can also appoint an alternate or successive attorney. This may help reduce the chance of fraudulent activity.


  • There is a risk that if the wrong attorney is designated, you can become vulnerable to financial abuse. It can happen where an attorney makes decisions based on their best interest rather than the interests of the estate they manage.
  • If your document lacks clarity, there is a risk that your finances could be managed in ways you do not simply agree with.
  • If multiple attorneys are appointed, disagreements could cause problems or delays in managing financial affairs.

You should always seek independent legal advice to ensure your needs and expectations are clear. Appointing a POA is dynamic; it can be changed or revoked at any time.

Contact Jennifer Koop your Dominion Lending Centres mortgage expert for more details on how HomeEquity Bank will review and confirm your POA for the mortgage transaction.

Contact us today for all your mortgage needs 705-349-0502

Published by HomeEquity Bank

20 Mar

Selling Your Home in the Spring


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

Selling Your Home in the Spring.

Are you looking to sell your home? We have a few tips to help you make the most of the spring season!

  1. Hire an Experienced Realtor: Before preparing your home for the Spring market, you will want to hire an experienced realtor! A good realtor will serve as your guide through the entire sales process, helping you get your home ready for listing, showing potential buyers and finalizing the eventual sale. This is even more important given the changing landscape in relation to additional safety protocols with viewings and even virtual viewing options. Now, more than ever, the expertise of a realtor will help you navigate the sales process.
  2. Prioritize Repairs and Improvements: Before listing your home, it is important to go through room-by-room and address any issues such as chipped paint, small holes in the wall, broken fixtures, old appliances, etc. Correcting these minor issues will help your home truly shine when buyers walk through.
  3. Clean and Stage Your Home: Now that you have made the necessary minor repairs, you can start staging your home! Start with the exterior of your home and ensure you tidy up the yard, remove any junk and wash your windows! When it comes to the interior of your home, you will want to declutter and do a deep clean (a professional cleaning service can come in handy for this!). Once your home is decluttered and clean, your real estate agent can help you stage it so that it appears spacious and inviting.
  4. Consider a Pre-Listing Inspection: Once you are ready to list your home, it can be a good idea to consider a pre-listing inspection. The inspector would conduct a complete visual inspection of all interior and exterior elements (including HVAC systems, wiring, ceiling, chimneys, gutters, etc.), which would help put prospective buyers at ease.
  5. Organize The Paperwork: There is a lot of paperwork when it comes to selling your home. Having all of these documents organized and together for potential buyers will help to speed up the process and allow them to address any questions before the deal is finalized. Permits, renovation or repair receipts, warranties, rental agreements and copies of your utility bills are all good records for potential buyers.

Whether you are looking to buy or sell, it is important to work with a trusted real estate and Jennifer Koop, Dominion Lending Centres mortgage expert in Huntsville, Muskoka to ensure the best outcome for you and your family!

Contact us today 705-349-0502

Published by the DLC Marketing Team

13 Mar

4 Financial Myths


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

4 Financial Myths.

Enriched Academy was launched back in 2013 after a successful appearance on the TV show Dragons’ Den by co-founders Kevin Cochran and Jay Seabrook. Although they would have loved to appear on the hit TV show MythBusters as well, fact-checking financial advice just didn’t have the mass appeal of learning whether one could survive on a desert island with only a pallet of duct tape.

Undeterred, Kevin and Jay set out to investigate the issue and educate the Canadian public about the most common financial myths out there. After many years on the case, here are their top four.

Myth #1: You need money to make money.
Careful investing is the secret to building wealth and you do need an income to get started, so this myth is not entirely untrue. However, what most people don’t realize is that the amount of money you need to make money can be surprisingly small. Financial guru Dave Ramsey’s research group found in their survey that 70% of millionaires never earned a 6-figure income. Former BC school teacher Andrew Hallam wrote an entire book devoted to how he leveraged a modest teacher’s salary with some basic investing principles to fund an early and very comfortable retirement. Check out his best-selling financial bible the Millionaire Teacher if you are wondering how he did it!

This myth is busted!

Myth #2: Money is too complicated.
Managing your money isn’t complicated, it just that having too little (or too much) leads to a lot of issues that make it seem complicated. Enriched Academy offers plenty of free webinars where you can easily pickup all kinds of financial knowledge with just one-hour of your time. While one short webinar may just get you started, the fact is that mastering a wide variety of money skills doesn’t take as much time or effort as many of the other things we spend time trying to learn. A lot of us spend more time learning how to use some app on our phone or make the perfect pasta sauce than we do learning how to manage our money.

The knowledge required to effectively manage your money is not difficult to learn — this myth is busted!

Myth #3: Investing is too risky.
It might be easy to say this one is true given the abysmal performance of most financial markets in 2022. Investing can be risky, but you can learn how to monitor and adjust your risk to suit your targeted returns, life stage, and other factors affecting your risk tolerance.

Your investing timeline also plays a huge role. Investing for the short-term is always going to be a lot more hit and miss than holding a well diversified portfolio of equities and other financial assets over a number of years. Financial markets have a long history of proven resiliency, and they will recover. Given current inflation and interest rates and the chance they will persist for some time makes investing and even greater priority these days

This myth is busted!

Myth #4: Earning money is more important than saving money.
Careful field research by an endless stream of bankrupt athletes, actors and reality TV has-beens has proven that when it comes to cash, “the more you earn, the more you burn!” The belief that more income is a sure-fire solution to your financial difficulties is busted! Carefully tracking your spending, making wise spending decisions, and adjusting your spending appropriately to “enjoy life more” as your income rises is the golden rule, regardless of how much money you are making.

Money myths can be debilitating and can put all sorts of mental obstacles in your path that just don’t need to be there. Financial literacy will help you separate fact from fiction and give you the right mindset to overcome whatever money beliefs may be holding you back.

For powerful personal finance education and training with immediate results, check out the complimentary livestreams each week from Enriched Academy. View the schedule and sign up for upcoming sessions on their events page.

For all your Mortgage needs contact us today 705-349-0502.

Published by DLC Marketing Team

9 Mar

10 “Must Know” Credit Score Facts


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

 10 “Must Know” Credit Score Facts.

If you are in the market for a home or a new car, you are probably very familiar with your credit score. Lenders are one of the primary users of credit scores and it can have a huge impact on whether you get approved for a loan and just how much interest it is going to cost you. What isn’t well known about credit scores is where they come from, what makes them go up (or down!) and who else besides potential lenders uses them to make decisions? Your credit score is going to be with you for life, so why not take a couple of minutes to get the facts.

  1. There are two credit-reporting agencies in Canada: Equifax and TransUnion. Your credit score may vary between the two. Lenders may check one or both agencies when you apply for credit.
  2. Your credit score is actually derived from the data in your credit report — which can be had for free once per year from Equifax and TransUnion. Some banks, credit unions, and other financial services companies provide your credit score for free as part of their services.
  3. Credit scores range between 300 and 900 with the Canadian average being 650.
  4. Your credit score is used for a lot more than just borrowing money; insurance companies, mobile phone providers, car leasing companies, landlords and employers may all require your credit score to make decisions.
  5. Five factors affect your credit score: length of credit history, credit utilization or how much of your limit you have used, the mix/types of credit you hold, the frequency you apply for credit, your payment history.
  6. Mistakes and omissions are not uncommon and is a good idea to check the details of your credit report. Both agencies have a process to report errors and get them corrected.
  7. Credit scores of 700+ are considered “good” and offer a higher chance of loan approval, greater borrowing limits, and lower or “preferred” interest rates and insurance premiums.
  8. Credit scores are continuously evaluated and adjusted. If you have “errored” in your past, the damage is not permanent! Your score can be raised/rebuilt by using credit responsibly (see #10).
  9. Checking your credit score regularly is a good idea and will help detect errors, monitor improvements, and identify fraud. This is a “soft” enquiry and will not affect your score.
  10. To increase your credit score: make payments on time, pay the full amount owing, use 35% or less of your available credit, hold a variety of credit types, apply for new credit sparingly.

Don’t make the mistake of ignoring your credit score. Even if you aren’t looking to borrow money anytime soon, there are a lot of reasons to keep an eye on it.

For powerful personal finance education and training with immediate results, check out the complimentary livestreams each week from Enriched Academy. View the schedule and sign up for upcoming sessions on their events page.

For all your mortgage needs contact Jennifer Koop, Mortgage Agent Huntsville, Muskoka today, 705-349-0502.

Published by DLC Marketing Team

27 Feb

How can homeowners protect themselves against title fraud?


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

How can homeowners protect themselves against title fraud?

With news stories surrounding title fraud breaking weekly, more homeowners are asking what they can do to protect their homes before they become the next headline. Daniela DeTommaso, President of FCT, addressed the issue in a recent interview on CBC’s Metro Morning with Ismaila Alfa.

“We’re seeing a level of sophistication in these frauds we’ve never seen before,” Daniela explains. “[Fraudsters are] falsifying identification, but to the human eye, you would never know that they’re not the person they’re pretending to be.”

Title fraud impacts both homebuyers and homeowners. Someone whose title has been stolen, or who purchased a fraudulently listed property has few options for recourse. “We’re seeing innocent people on both sides [of transactions] just devastated by something they could never have even imagined could happen to them,” says Daniela.

Industry experts are urging homebuyers to purchase title insurance as part of closing. Tim Hudak, CEO of the Ontario Real Estate Association (OREA) recently described title insurance as “the best safeguard” for homebuyers.

title fraud protection for existing homeowners

Title insurance is still an option for homeowners after they take possession, even years later. But once an issue like fraud is discovered, it can be too late to provide coverage. According to Daniela, the best time to purchase a title insurance policy is now.

“There’s no reason you shouldn’t be getting title insurance, just like you wouldn’t buy a house without property and casualty insurance,” she explains. When a homeowner with a title insurance policy learns their title has been stolen, they benefit from more than just their coverage.

“The title insurance company also has a duty to defend,” says Daniela. “That means that the minute we find out [title fraud] has happened, we step in and we protect [the insured]. We pay all of the costs.”

Those costs include the legal fees to restore a homeowner’s title, which can be in the tens of thousands, as well as the costs of investigating the fraud and handling all the legal processes.

“It’s not only compensating for that significant loss,” Daniela continues. “It’s also just providing that peace of mind knowing that someone’s going to navigate this process for you, and any costs […] having to prove that you are who you say you are.”

If you aren’t insured yet, don’t wait for your home to make headlines. Protect yourself and your property with an existing homeowner’s title insurance policy from FCT.


Published by FCT

29 Nov

Second Mortgages: What You Need to Know


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

Second Mortgages: What You Need to Know.

One of the biggest benefits to purchasing your own home is the ability to build equity in your property. This equity can come in handy down the line for refinancing, renovations, or taking out additional loans – such as a second mortgage.

What is a second mortgage?

First things first, a second mortgage refers to an additional or secondary loan taken out on a property for which you already have a mortgage. This is not the same as purchasing a second home or property and taking out a separate mortgage for that. A second mortgage is a very different product from a traditional mortgage as you are using your existing home equity to qualify for the loan and put up in case of default. Similar to a traditional mortgage, a second mortgage will also come with its own interest rate, monthly payments, set terms, closing costs and more.

Second mortgages versus refinancing

As both refinancing your existing mortgage and taking out a second mortgage can take advantage of existing home equity, it is a good idea to look at the differences between them. Firstly, a refinance is typically only done when you’re at the end of your current mortgage term so as to avoid any penalties with refinancing the mortgage.

The purpose of refinancing is often to take advantage of a lower interest rate, change your mortgage terms or, in some cases, borrow against your home equity.

When you get a second mortgage, you are able to borrow a lump sum against the equity in your current home and can use that money for whatever purpose you see fit. You can even choose to borrow in installments through a credit line and refinance your second mortgage in the future.

What are the advantages of a second mortgage?

There are several advantages when it comes to taking out a second mortgage, including:

  • The ability to access a large loan sum (in some cases, up to 90% of your home equity) which is more than you can typically borrow on other traditional loans.
  • Better interest rate than a credit card as they are a ‘secured’ form of debt.
  • You can use the money however you see fit without any caveats.

What are the disadvantages of a second mortgage?

As always, when it comes to taking out an additional loan, there are a few things to consider:

  • Interest rates tend to be higher on a second mortgage than refinancing your mortgage.
  • Additional financial pressure from carrying a second loan and another set of monthly bills.

Before looking into any additional loans, such as a secondary mortgage (or even refinancing), be sure to speak to your DLC Mortgage Expert, Jennifer Koop! Regardless of why you are considering a second mortgage, it is a good idea to get a review of your current financial situation and determine if this is the best solution before proceeding.

28 Nov

Selling Your Home in Winter


Posted by: Jennifer Koop

Selling Your Home in Winter.

While you might think selling your home in winter is harder, with the right considerations it doesn’t have to be! When selling your home during warmer months, the focus is typically on curb appeal and gardening, as well as having bright colors and patterns to draw out different rooms.

While curb appeal should not be forgotten in winter months, the focus should be centered on creating a warm, comfortable and welcoming space. You can do this through the following:

  1. Curb Appeal – If you live in an area that receives high amounts of snow, be diligent about keeping your sidewalk and driveways clear for visitors, and to keep your home looking clean for viewing. Always make sure to sweep any fallen leaves or debris.
  2. Keep it Cozy – Ensuring your home is sufficiently heated during showings will also go a long way to making it feel more comfortable; a steady 20 to 22 degrees Celsius during showings is ideal.
  3. Light and Inviting – With days being shorter and darker during winter, ensuring your home is light and inviting can make a big difference. In some cases, you may consider repainting the walls before listing your property.
  4. Declutter – When selling, it is important to declutter your home so that it looks its best and gives room for people to imagine their own belongings in your space.
  5. Define Property Boundaries – If you are showing your home in the middle of snow season, be sure to mark the four corners of your property so that potential buyers can see exactly what they are getting.

While there is some extra work with selling your home in the winter due to the weather conditions, it can pay off! Buyers tend to be highly motivated and often there is less competition for sales during this time giving more focus to your home.

Ask us about Realtors in our area, we would be happy to direct you to someone that would be just right for you.